Corporate Worship
9:30 a.m.
What a privilege to be worshipping together as a Calvary family. By God’s grace we are called into worship and into relationship with him and with one another. That’s what makes corporate worship so special. We pray that through our worship and Christian fellowship God will be honored, Christ will be exalted, and we all will be blessed!
New to Calvary?
If you are new to Calvary, welcome! Please let our greeters know that you are visiting and please join us after service for a time of fellowship. We look forward to greeting you in the name of Christ!
Order of Worship
February 16, 2025
Presider, Elder Jerry Kim
Prayer, Deacon Mike Hahn
Speaker, Pastor Michael Chang
Call to Worship
Reading of Scripture
Presider’s Prayer
The Apostles’ Creed
Praise of Adoration
Prayer of Confession
Pronouncement of the Gospel
Deacon’s Prayer
Redeemed & Alive to God IV: Work of the Holy Spirit II
Romans 8:13-17
Closing Praise
Preschool (3 yo+) and Elementary (K–5th) will be dismissed to children's worship prior to the sermon. Youth students (6th–12the grade) will be dismissed to discussion groups following the benediction.
Tithes and offerings may be placed in the collection basket at the sanctuary entrance.
This Week:
- Studies: SG Leaders study 2/18 Tue 8:00 PM, Women’s study 2/22 Sat 9:00 AM, SG weekend 2/21-23
- Meetings:
Holey Food: In lieu of bagels, we will be serving donuts today. Please enjoy with a hot cup of coffee/tea and fine conversation.
Worship Committee: Looking for a way to serve? CEC Worship Committee is in need of volunteers for sound, projector or streaming on Sundays. Training will be provided. Please contact Deacon Kyung Kim, kpkim1 (at)
Baptism and Confirmation Classes: CYG classes will be held Sunday (2/23) at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We are asking all students and parents to attend. CCG, CYA, and adult classes are TBD.
Connecting Calvary is an organized fellowship time immediately following Sunday service once every quarter in the gym. It will take place following service on February 23. If you have any questions, please see Deacon Steve Lee.
Noah’s Ark Basketball for Grades 1-5. Purpose: to get to know each other and grow in Christ. Any questions, email Dave Yang, dave.yang79 (at)
Mark Your Calendars:
- CYA Retreat 3/14-16
- Men’s Retreat 5/2-3
- CEC Summer Picnic 6/1
- Summer Retreat 6/27-29
- CYG/SMP Mexico 7/19-25
- VBS 7/28-8/1
- CYG Winter Retreat 12/21-24
Join Us
Corporate Worship
Sundays, 9:30 AM
Submit requests for access to the live stream at
Small Group Gatherings
1st/3rd Weekends
Small Group Leader’s Meeting
1st/3rd Tuesdays, 8 PM
Prayer Meetings
Saturdays, 7:30 AM
Women’s Prayer Group
2nd/4th Tuesdays, 9 AM
Bible Studies and Classes
Foundations Classes
2nd/4th Sundays
Young Adults Bible Study
Sundays, 1 PM
Men’s Bible Study 2nd/4th Saturdays, 9 AM
Women’s Bible Study
1st/3rd Saturdays, 9 AM
Korean Bilingual Bible Study
2nd/4th Fridays, 7:30 PM
Youth Group Meeting
Fridays, 7:30 PM
Pickleball Fellowship
Sundays 6–9:30 PM & Tues/Thurs 7–9:30 PM
Email adminasst (at) for more information or to join.
Contact Us
adminasst (at)
Reverend Michael Chang Senior Pastor
pmichaelchang (at)
Reverend Joe Chun Associate Pastor
Young Adults, College, Worship
joe.s.chun (at)
Reverend Mark Lim Associate Pastor
Small Groups, Missions
markblim (at)
Jason Song Youth Pastor
jsong.bgb (at)
Peggy Chun Children’s Pastor
peggy.y.chun (at)
Cindy Kim Children’s Ministry Assistant
cindyjykim (at)
Julie Song Administrative Assistant
adminasst (at)
Elders elders (at)
Mike Ha (sabbatical), Don Kim, Jerry Kim, Tim Kim, Andrew Lee, Sungjai Lee (sabbatical), Paul Mang, Eugene Oh
Deacons deacons (at)
Steve Ha, Eugene Hahm, Mike Hahn, Adam Huh, Joe Jang (sabbatical), David Kim, George Kim (sabbatical), Kyung Kim, Mark Kim, Paul Kim (sabbatical), Bryant Lee, J. Lee, Kun Lee, Steve Lee, Min Namkung, Andy Pack, Tim Park
Offertory - Please make checks payable to Calvary English Chapel or use give (at) to give via Zelle.
Last week’s giving was $18,335.00.
Mailing Address
730 McHenry Road
Wheeling, IL 60090